Saturday, September 28, 2013

Has King's Dream Been Achieved?

When the American Civil Rights Movement gained momentum in the 1950?s, African Americans fought to escape from the oppression of White American rule. Due to the colossal history of sla very(prenominal) in the United States, the African Americans were the uncreated victims of racial separatism and discrimination. Individuals who tried to stand up against these prejudices were all ignored or severely punished. Thus, many African Americans were suppress and left to own their tragic fate. However, hope was restored when Martin Luther great power junior delivered his famous ?I Have a Dream? patois. When he delivered his speech to over two hundred thousand people, he proposed the humor that blacks and whites could coexist in harmony. Even though King fought strictly for his dream, it is app arnt that it has be quiet not been achieved as yet. The predominant reasons are because African Americans are not treated equally, Afrocentric schools are support in the Toronto District School Board, and racial prejudice still exists in our world. King?s dream has gone very further since Lincoln abolished slavery, but there is still a coherent way to go until true equality is reached. aft(prenominal) slavery was abolished, African Americans gained many civil liberties and were considered as American citizens. However, King?s dream has not become a reality yet because African Americans are still considered to be inferior to the whites.
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Furthermore, they were deemed as second class citizens. Even though they lived in the ? reason of opportunity?, African Americans were still anomic and lived in poor people conditions in the country they called home. Historically, the Af rican American population has the highest p! enury rate than any other cultural group in the United States. Even today, this correlation has shown no change in direction. In 2006, the U.S. Census Bureau peck revealed that 24.3% of the African American population... If you want to get a skilful essay, order it on our website:

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