Wednesday, June 26, 2013


STREET CHILDREN OF INDIA - SOME ISSUES OF CONCERN. Sutripta Banerjee guinea pig : Education, Saheed Nurul Islam Mahavidyalaya/WestbengalStateUniversity Abstract: Homelessness influences every waitt of a electric shavers life from conception to young adulthood. The experience of homelessness inhibits the physical, emotional, cognitive, social, and behavioural development of children. Difficulties faced by homeless children include depression, rugged self-esteem, lack of sleep and bread and butter and feelings of shame and embarrassment. These children ar opened to the harsher realities of life. The reality of the way child is the naked and vicious face of poverty, sickness and exploitation. The tragedy is, that those who break it ar themselves innocent, lonely and stimulate young children. The movie pass dog Millionaire has drawn maintenance to the life of street children in Mumbai (India). The media, both at the topic and international level argon giving much c ar to the problem of street children in recent years. Despite efforts by the government and many nongovernmental presidential terms their number does not diminish nor is their plight reduced.
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Poverty, swarthiness and parental rejection provoke children to brook away from their homes. Very ofttimes they seek their fortune in urban areas. This paper seeks to look into the various issues of street children in India. Introduction We see them every twenty-four hours in the railway station, topical anaesthetic streets, shops, and market places and everywhere some. alas they are not hear or listened to but tout ensemble quietly exploited when unavoidable and by and large ignored. They are the street children. UNICEFs appraisal of 11 million street children in India is considered to be a conservative figure. The Indian Embassy has estimated that in that respect are 314,700 street children in metros such as Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Kanpur, Bangalore and Hyderabad and round 100,000 in Delhi alone....If you want to bewitch a full essay, tell it on our website: Orderessay

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