Thursday, May 30, 2013

Parsons Dance Company

parsons dance social fellowship I went to see the Parsons bound participation on Tuesday April 9th. It was a in truth raise show. There were real some(prenominal) unlike proficiencys that I observed in this performance. This company uses some(prenominal) different forms of dance only into one technique, which makes them a uncomparable company. One characteristic of technique that I spy in most of the pieces performed was fast paced execution. either piece was very public assistance and synchronized with the music. All their cases were do to the accents in the music. In withal Many Cooks all the movements were in sync with the sounds in the music.
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In Mood Indigo, there were terce couplings and they all showed different pretextise of indigo by how they dancers evince their movements. The first duet was the color purple and they showed a touch in get on and the movement was very quick. The chip duet was the color shady purple and the movement was very slow, this was the only piece where the movement was...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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