Friday, March 29, 2013

Women In Egypt And Greece

The Role of Women in Ancient Egypt
An exception to most former(a) ancient societies, Egyptian women shared the same efficacious and efficient rights as Egyptian men. Egyptian women had the well-grounded right to handle and dispose of berth including land, servants, livestock, slaves and even money. They had rights to sue free slaves and reckon their own retention as seen fit, as well as Egyptian men.
Unlike in Greece, women did non need a mans permission to take any of these actions. Women usually received property from their families or husbands, and sometimes they earned money through employment. If women brought property into a marriage, the husband could use it, but if they had a divorce, it would be necessary for the Grecian women to be with a designated male called a kyrios to represent or stand for her in all legal contracts and proceedings. Then the Greek woman would be able to flummox the property returned.
Why were Egyptian women allowed more rights and privileges than Greek women, who were oblige to live under the less equal Greek agreement?

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Egyptian women were allowed more rights and privileges because the difference between Egypts legal rights was based on differences in social class and not on gender also legal rights were afforded to men and women as well as economical rights, where as Greek baseball club focused more on gender than the social class. Egyptians womens legal rights extended to all legally defined areas of Egyptian Civilization.
Egyptian women could resolve any kind of legal settlements. Egyptian women could be a contracting partner in a marriage contract or a divorce contract, they could make out testaments, and they could also free slaves and make adoptions. Egyptian women were at liberty to sue at law.
This amount of freedom was a big difference with that of the Greek women because people thought Greek women were weak minded and as...If you want to get a skillful essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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