Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Plains Indians



The Plains Indians included tribes such as the Sioux, capital of Wyoming, Crow, Blackfeet, Comanche, Pawnee, and many more. These tribes lived in the peachy Plains region of North America, as shown on the map below.

I will be studying the tribe Cheyenne spate who are of the Algonquian language family. The Cheyenne Nation is make up of two united tribes, the Sótaeoo (more commonly spelled as Sutaio) and the Tsétsêhéstâhese (more commonly spelled as Tsitsistas).
The population of Cheyenne people is 15,672. Federal:3,542- Southern:12,130. United States , Montana, and Oklahoma are some reigons with substantive populations.
The Cheyenne of Montana and Oklahoma speak the Cheyenne language, cognise as Tsêhésenêstsestôtse (common spelling: Tsisinstsistots). Only a fistful of vocabulary differs between the two locations. The Cheyenne alphabet contains xiv letters. The Cheyenne language is one of the larger Algonquian-language group.

The Federal Cheyenne, cognize in Cheyenne either as Notameohmésêhese significance Northern Eaters or simply as Ohmésêhese subject matter Eaters, live in southeast Montana on the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation. In the 2000 census, the reservation had a heart population of 4,400, with 72.8%, or about 3,250 people, identifying as Cheyenne.

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The Northern Cheyenne Tribe reports 9,945 enrolled tribal members as of 2011.
The coarse Plains region was make of grasslands, valleys, streams, and hills. There were very few trees found in the massive Plains body politic.  The photo shown below is an example of the land within the Great Plains region.
Summers in the Great Plains were hot and winters were long and cold.  The Great Plains area had many wild animals. The Plains Indians would hunt these animals for their meat and their hides.
Plains Indians got their food by either hunting it, growing it, or gathering it.  some(prenominal) tribes grew crops such as maize, beans, and pumpkins.  Others gathered wild fruits and vegetables.  Food was often...If you hope to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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