Thursday, March 28, 2013

Syria Civil War

Lion Wieseltier. (10/4/2012). Ebsco Host. Retrieved 9/27/12, from handle=true& adenosine monophosphate;db=ulh&AN=79963595& grade=src-live.

This article talks about how Obama doesnt want to present involved with the revolution currently happening in Syria. thither are several other countries waiting for us to effort to stanch the attempt of destroying Damascus so that they can assemble us. They will not act unless America does. Obama doesnt facial expression the need to get involved until Syria brings in the chemical weapons.

mike Giglio. (9/17/2012). The Syrian Rebels New C all overt-Ops Campaign. In Ebsco Host.. Retrieved 9/27/12, from

This article goes into the depths of Barazis attacks on the innocuous protestors. It talks about them being shot in the crack and severely beaten for their non-harmful protest. It is estimated that roughly 26,000 people have been killed so far. The group doing the killing is saying that this is all part of peculiar(a) or secret operations for the country of Syria.

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From reading these two articles and watching an overview video on youtube I learned that in that location is a rebel group that because of military ranking took over the government. Many people are trying to protest and deflect the group but the group is too strong to be stopped without help. The United States is what needs to step up. If the US build up forces can help everyone else when they need us then why arent we stepping in now? Obama doesnt find it requisite to step in until possible nuclear threats have been established. several(prenominal) Countries around the Gulf are waiting for the US to mother a move so they can be justly there and have Americas back. These articles have strongly changed my view and I think that we need to help put a stop to this non-sense.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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