Thursday, March 28, 2013

Slumdog Millionare Critique

Slumdog Millionaire

Slumdog millionaire was directed by Danny Boyle and co-directed by Loveieen Tandon. It was produced in 2008 by Christian Colson. This Oscar winning movie was based of the book: Q&A, which was written by Vikas Swarup. The movie is about a young boy (Jamal Malik) that grows up in the slums with his brother, Salim. After their mother is killed the two boys stick together living on their own; but later severalize ways; Salim going into a life of crime and Jamal operative at a cell phone corporation. In a desperate attempt to be reunited with his childhood retire, Latika, Jamal goes on the draw: Who Wants to be a Millionaire. The main characters are Dev Patel (Jamal Malik), Freida Pinto (Latika), and Madhur Mittal (Salim Malik)

This film was genuinely dramatic. Music was increased at chase scenes, slowed at love scenes, and stopped at shooting scenes. The music was timed so that it matched the actions of the characters and had more of an effect on the audience. The music was for the most handling; foreign and Indian which matched the culture and setting.

One of the main themes was from the halt show and it was that the answers are written, or more unremarkably known as, destiny. In the very beginning of the movie it shows the multiple answer letters: D. It is written.

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In the end of the movie it shows the aforementioned(prenominal) thing. It was a useful cinematic effect and I perspective it was putting it at the beginning and the end was intriguing. Almost akin when youre reading a book and halfway by dint of it the title is revealed in the plot.

There was a nice use of light also. During the slow, depressing scenes the light was dark and mysterious, whereas when there were happier scenes, the back was fully lit up in bright modify and sunlight.

Throughout the movie the view point flashes between Jamal be tortured and accused of cheating on the show and the unfeigned show and memorys to accompany the questions he is asked as a contestant. The main problem is that Jamal is...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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