Thursday, March 28, 2013

Rationing in World War One

Both countries exampled their navies to blockade the enemy ports to stop supplies acquire through. Britain relied on other countries to deal in food and supplies and Germany knew if their u-boats halt this contend then Britain would starve.
February 1915 Germany said that all merchant ships introduction/leaving Britain would be sunk. This was optimistic as there were 15000 sailings a week to and from British ports and the Germans had only 21 u-boats.
However by 1917 the Germans had 200 u-boats and were sinking 1 in 4 of the ships forefront to Britain. By April 1917 Britain had only 6 weeks of food left.
Fortunately the use of depth charges and the introduction of the convoy system (where merchant ships were protected by royal navy destroyers) solved the problem n matchlesstheless Britain remained short of food throughout the war.

Why did Britain decide to bring in rationing?

The government is at its wits polish off as how to deal with these submarines
David Lloyd George -Secretary of state for war

Although Britain had come unaired to running out of food, measures against submarines and the introduction of rationing meant that the threat came to an end. In fact, for many less well-off people, the regular employment provided by the war meant that they could afford a diet better than the one they had before the war.

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U-boats submarines
Merchant ships trading ships
Depth charges bombs that were laid underwater and exploded to destroy enemy ships

U-boats submarines
Merchant ships trade ships
Depth charges Bombs that went underwater and exploded to sink the enemy submarines

Farmers could not produce enough food for the population, there was a shortfall and prices were up, in some parts of the country people had to adjust to buy goods such as margarine and potatoes.  Any theater of operations that could grow food was converted to do so - gardens were moody into allotments and...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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