Friday, March 1, 2013

Organ Transplantation

Organ transplanatation: Pros, cons and ethical issues.
Organ transplant has been a controersial subject since the day the first organ was removed. some religions considered it being blasphemy, as in interfering with gods creation. A disease was seen as a penalty by God, you should just deal with it. The last century, organ transplantation evolved from experiments into routine operations. Religions began accepting the act of removing organs, and governments started to invest into organisations taking upkeep of the transplantations.
every these developments were very beneficial for the persons suffering of certain diseases which could be cured by transplantation. People suffering from for example colored disease, could now give rise a healthy liver, which could help readiness their disease, or even completely taking care of it.
besides these sudden developments also caused a problem that is still a problem in present day. The demand exceeds the supply with tremendous numbers. There are way more lot communicate for an organ than there are hatful making their organs available after death. This results into long delay lists. People enlisted on these lists sometimes die because they had to wait too long to be helped.

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Governments nowadays invest a lot into campaigns to inform people about organ transplantation and what they can do.
Five long time ago, a Dutch program was the centre of attention. They created a TV show, called De Grote Donorshow in were there was a woman willing to bestow away her organs, but she has to choose from one of the three candidates. All the candidates suffered from a disease, and they would die if they werent helped soon. They were also enlisted on the waiting lists, but those were too long to be helpful. Media all over the world spoke about this TV show, and many people found this too controversial and disrespectful. At the end of the show, the makers admitted it was a hoax to seek for attention. They were against the endless waiting lists, and...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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