Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Letter from from an American soilder in Vietnam

My dearest Lucy,
I know you want to hear whats going on and all the good stuff exclusively there is sadly not precise more I can tell you. What there is to tell isnt very pretty, I wrote to you some weeks ago and truthfully nothing has changed.Recently, we pay off been training with choppers for about a week. Its pretty dangerous, working with them in Vietnam. They say the chopper must unload within 8 seconds or be downed by fire.
Sadly for us, we anticipate that this contend will last many years. Every inch of land must be controlled to have hold over the communist and it is not something we are in a position to do. For these hands in black pajamas have ways of fighting that we n constantly dreamed of, they use guerrilla tactics which stop us from advancing, they ambush US patrols and bomb the towns. The Vietcong have taken to commix with peasants, wearing ordinary cloths. So we cannot identify the enemy. The terrain itself is another worldly concern all together, here you hide behind trees blend into the mud, and it makes everything the much more difficult. We, Americans have pride and wear a reproducible but here, you have no idea whos meant to breach and whos meant to live, no way to tell who is VC and who isnt.

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Its terrifying, as each daytime we search for the gooks we never know what could happen, you could impression to the left and find your captain dead The war didnt seem like a fair match at first, we have a huge army, money, and technology. While the Vietcong have an hugger-mugger army, however it seems thats what we need, they know how to fight on their land, this is a foreign ground to us, and we are paying for it.

Every day we wake up not knowing if we will go to sleep that night, every night we go to sleep question if we will wake up. We live in constant misgiving for our lives, but the thought of you sitting at home keeps me brave. I constantly remember the last words you said to me, hang in strong, and dont forget me, as if I could ever forget your beautiful face, its what keeps me...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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