Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Are road rules more important that religious adjusts?
Hutterite drivers authorise ch eitherenge

Can our rights be measured on a home? Can some rights be more important than other? And who gets to decide? These were some of the questions that rose after the SCCs sentiment that citizens from a Hutterite community in Alberta must have their pictures interpreted in order to have a valid certify.
In this case the provincial regulation wonder a human beingss right to follow the values and principles of his own religion. What neighboring? Will Muslim women be take aimed to remove their sacred hijabs in identity photos?
The case initially gained momentum after a young man was stopped near Lethbridge and was asked for his license. After noting that he did not have a photograph on his license he was fined. Initially the Albert Court of Queens terrace found the photo requirement to violate the citizens right to religion. The Alberta Court of Appeal also upheld this decision. It is only at a Federal level that religious rights took a number agency to a man made law driving licenses.
I asked a leading member of the Hutterite colonies church on how he felt about the SCC decision and he replied I cannot disobey the law of god. And thoughts as Canadians, the government would respect my religion and later(prenominal) rights.

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Similarly, a young woman from a Christian community who isnt a Hutterite who had been following the case said I dont see why such a deeply religious community who isnt at all a threat to confederation could not still take over by their religion without being stuck down by the courts.
The out continues to be debated amongst religious communities after the ruling, and some of them are second guessing their faith in our countries liberal principles. I ask who the courts will strike down next. And when they do, will the rights violated go further than religion?

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