Monday, February 25, 2013

After Crusades

Picture a world of much pain and hapless;Were only death can bring happiness, Were after brio is the only possible escape for a peasents social class. frame This image clearly in your mind, now imagine that this hereafter is guaranteed .A so called war; will redeem you in gods eyeball for any misconsumptions he may have of you and without no motion allow you access into his kingdom in heaven. On your exhort to recapture the holy land. You see in the raw things but zero will amaze you more then what your eyes start out across at the end of your journey. Your used to a base disembodied spirit style, tasteless food, hard labor from sun up to sun down. when you get their your eyes open wide.This civilization that is considered the foeman is living a optimized lifestyle.They have wide tasting food, the in vogue(p) techonolgy, new advances in science and medicine. As humans were forever and a day asking new questons why why why peculiarly when it comes to life. If this person can have a great life why not me and this is exactlly what happens after The Crusades and Thus a new period in time called the Renasaisance.
The first change and almost likely the greatest change after the crusades woud be a social change.

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Society chose to advance to better living conditions during their life quite an then await an uncertain glorious life afterdeath in heaven granted you were sin-less. After The Crusades people who went on the crusades seen the great advances the Muslims had and wanted those advances for themselves. Advances in Medicine,science,techonolgy and much more inspired the europeans to acquire their own.So schools opened up; people wanted to learn. Education became a main priniciple.
The second issue that helped this modification to spread sooner rapidly would be economical.Those who went on the crusades came back to their manors with many goods.examples of these goods would be spices. In manors times were bad people ate what they could, in Jeruslem the muslims were having the time of their life putting...If you want to get a adequate essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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