Tuesday, January 8, 2013

School Uniforms

Throughout the State of Florida, numerous nurture boards have been attempting to regulate the clothing that students weather. The school superintendents who ar in favor of uniforms leave argue that the children who wear them will experience more benefits. I disagree with this position. I feel that the use of uniforms will exotic dancer individualism, stifle creativity, and unnecessarily burden the families that cannot afford them. The use of uniforms has already been implemented in several long-standing kind environments. The penal arrangement uses uniforms to brand those persons who are incarcerated. Likewise, the military also uses them to separate and necessitate the individualism inside of the soldier. In both cases, individual identity is stripped away and the subject is forced to conform to the same outward appearance as every other subject. some other problem that will surface due to the implementation of school uniforms is the suppression of the individuals creativity and expression. umteen students express who they are through the way they dress. If a teenager wants to show the peacefulness of the world that he loves Jesus, then he or she index wear a T-shirt that states a positive conniption on the subject. Similarly, a student might want to wear green colored clothing to show his or her go for St. Patricks day.
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School uniforms would end both of those examples listed within this paragraph and many, many more. The last issue that needs to be addressed is the extra burden that will be placed upon those families of limited resources. Many low-income families do not have the money available to add uniforms to their children. They can barely make ends meet with the help of charities and social programs. In Polk County, Florida, the school board is trying to pass edict that a child cannot attend school unless they have on the proper uniform. An education is supposed to be available to any children, not just the ones whose parents can afford to buy the political sympathies giveed attire.... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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