Thursday, January 31, 2013

Mcdonalds And Russias Economic Transition

McDonald s is the world s biggest food service company with operations in 119 countries across the world . Russia is McDonald s fifth largest market in ground of profitability with 127 restaurants in 37 Russian Cities . Considering the difficulties they faced to take composition this market this is a success story nobody would meet anticipated at the timeFirstly , McDonald s attempt to start operations in Russia were put on hold for more than a ten-spot due to a combination of factors . Russia was then , a part of the USSR and the economic policies of USSR where closely held by the government . Moreover , in that respect was a strong anti-US sentiment owing to the cold struggle , US s protests on invasion of Afghanistan by Russia , and the subsequent boycott of the Moscow Olympics by US .
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Then even though they got the Government Approval in 1988 , the strict policies and regulations in USSR were so heavy that it took another two years to open the send-off store . The government agencies directly handled virtually everything in such(prenominal) a fixed manner that the McDonald s management found it big to get even basic supplies like sugar , dredge and meat . The policy of the government was that the soviet producers where ed to allow all they produced to the government . Essential ingredients like Iceberg lettuce and frisson cucumbers , were simply not available in Russia . So McDonad s had to pass off a way to get around the economic surround prevailing in the country at the time to source...If you requisite to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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