Monday, January 28, 2013

Ethical Issue: Is Laptop Mighter Then A Pen?

Ethical Issue : Is Laptop Mightier Than A PenNameCourseSchoolA university in Edinburgh is spill to conduct an mental test where students ar to answer using laptops sort of of the traditional pen and They believe that this system would utilize the write and computing skills of students and encourage them to develop these skills . During the exam , the students displace all use their own laptops or the university would lend them virtuoso . These laptops will be fitted with special exam software so that the students would not be able to use other programs in the age of the exam . If the trial is successful the university is going to adapt the method in all subjectsThis scenario presents evidence as to how technology has been ever-changing the lives of volume . The computer has become so commonplace and twopenny-halfpenny that some schools have contemplated replacing with the laptop However , kindred all technological innovations that have been introduced to society , this particular subject has both its benefits and shortcomings The school has cited the technological benefits of a laptop exam However , as a disinterested individual who is not part of the school administration promoting the idea , one can analyze the positive and negative sides of the issue objectively by considering its ethical implicationsTwo ethical admittancees can be used to approach and analyze this case with : the useful address and the Rights Approach . The Utilitarian Approach conceived in the 19th century by Jeremy Bentham and basin Stuart Mill states that ethical actions are those that provide the greatest sleep of good and evil (Velasquez , et al , 2008 . The ethical action is the one that provides the greatest good for the greatest number . In overture any issue using this approach , the first footprint is to identify the possible alternatives available to the affected stakeholders . Next the advantages and disadvantages of adopting apiece alternative are enumerated .
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Then , the action that would benefit the approximately number of people and inflict the least harm is elect over other alternativesOn the other hand , the Common well-behaved Approach looks at the common values and goals of those involved in the issue . The idea behind the approach has its origins from philosophers as past as Plato , Aristotle and Cicero but John Rawls provides a contemporary core of the term when he defines common good as respectable general conditions that are . equally to everyone s advantage (Velasquez et al , 2008 . The idea is that what are good for individuals are linked to what are good for the residential district Citizens are bound to ensure that all decisions , from trivial personalized ones to actions that would affect the fate of countries in the world are towards the consummation of those ends . The best alternatives therefore , are those that recognize and further the goals people share in commonIn analyzing the situation using the Utilitarian Approach , the alternatives available to the stockholders need to be defined first . In this case , there are two : whether to conduct a laptop exam or...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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