Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Critical Literature Review

[Student s Full Name][Name of Instructor /Professor][Subject /Course Code][Date]Defining CultureHow can you define farming ? What is intercultural communion ? How much does the same language used by native and non-native speakers vary This would attempt to answer . Three sources on the subject matter will be used . These atomic number 18 : Jan Blommaert s How much civilisation is there in intercultural intercourse , talking a Person into Interethnic Distinction : a Discourse analytical Case Study by Volker Hinnenkamp and Rapport Management guess and Culture by Helen Spencer-OateyIn the first article , Blommaert focused on what theory or theories in the attainment of linguistic would be most useful to obtain an accurate analysis of intercultural confabulation as well as the role to the study of philology plays in the study of intercultural communication . The source began the article with the thesis that the study of intercultural communication will pose challenges in the science of linguistics due to two reasons . One of these reasons is that each communication by two parties from two different cultures would have authentic features that would make it unique that it would need a specific methodology and theory to be elaborated for every communication that occurs . The jiffy reason is that the study of intercultural communication would need the knowledge of new(prenominal) branches of the social sciences such as social psychology and anthropology for it to be properly analyzed (13Two concepts were used by the author in to answer the questions stated in the article . The first is that culture is fundamental in the study of intercultural communication , and the primary typeface for communication conflicts that may rise in intercultural communication The author coined this as the culture collide perspective This is because when two parties belong to different culture groups meet their cultures also come crossways and eventually collide with each other One simulation provided by the author to support this is the conflict present in politics .
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The author considered this perspective as a unprocessed approach in understanding intercultural communication since this concept follows that intercultural communication only occurs when conflict is present in the process and in for the communication to be successful the culture of any virtuoso of the parties snarled would need to be managed . The concept is also seen by the author as ethnocentric in nature in that it assumes that one culture in the intercultural communication process is much superior to the other . Furthermore , it fails to take into consideration the feature that one or both parties involved will reach to adjust to the situation prevent intercultural communication conflicts (Blommaert , 14 , 17-20The mo concept analyzed in the article is that culture is incorporated into the communication process , depending on the circumstances surrounding the parties involved and represented clearly and without reservation during the process . This makes culture as not only a vital component to the identity of the parties involved , but the situation surrounding the communication in general (Blommaert , 21-22Based on the information obtained , Blommaert concluded...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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