Friday, January 25, 2013

Civilization And Its Discontents

CIVILIZATION AND ITS DISCONTENTSIntroductionSigmund Freud is hotshot of the greatest scholars of the time who has contributed to the development and mind of gentle beings . He is renowned for his work on the reputation theories and other works . He has contributed to the field of philosophy and psychological science in special way . This is going to review one of his works on the discontents of nicety where he tried and true to exemplify the relationship between the lodge and finish . The will prove to look in details on Freud s view of culture and why it has worked for the baseball club nicety according to FreudIn his work that was published in 1930 on civilization and its discontents , Freud tried to explain various issues that came with civilization . Civilization can be defined as the advancement of human being in disembodied spirit . It can be illustrated as the steps that human being had taken in their feel to arrive at the present keep . Civilization is attach by change in the way things are through which in turn transforms the life of man . For example , compared to the foregoing inhabitants , the modern live in houses instead of caves , they wear with-it clothes instead of skins , they attend school , and other perspectives of life that clearly sets the modern man from his ancestorsScience is very important in civilization . Throughout history , we learn that development in engine room was the driving force behind the modern civilization . This is because technology changed the way things were done . Advancement in technology in all spears of life from medicine industry , cultivation , education , and others helped to develop civilization and pass it on to the neighboring generationBut according to Freud , civilization can be defined in terms of convergence of the military personnel . Freud sees civilization as aimed at not benefiting the man morally but bringing the world together which has been achieved in any way .
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According to Freud , civilization is like trying to control the society in the put up of bringing it together Therefore his main work was found on understanding how man relates to the society and the struggle that has been on that point for man to find the freedom within the society (Sigmund , 1961Though civilization was supposed to bring about happiness in the life of the society , Freud examines that it brings about discontents Civilization brought about organization of the society that ensured that some have more control on others . This was instituted as a form of power or authority to reign the society . Therefore , the society loses its freedom . Though this doesn t arrive out strongly in Freud s explanation of a society , it is one of results that bring about discontents in civilizationFreud s explanation of a society was more psychological than philosophical . This is because he tried to explain the process of civilization based on personal analysis . Following the postulation of his personality theory , Freud stresses that civilization is build on egoism . He explains that all piece are driven by egos to...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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