Tuesday, January 29, 2013

American Studies

NameCourseTeacherDateThe article final payments a closer scrutiny on the realities slowly the court of President Ronald Reagan . In spite criticisms against his policies while muted in office , President Reagan left behind a positive image for his presidency and his accomplishments . However behind the myths associated with the individual who became known as the Great Communicator , the fountain believes that Reagan s administration was in reality more flawed than he himself believed it to beTo justify this assertion , the author cites major policies enacted during Reagan s administration and their effects to the country and the American large number . According to the article , during his time , the country became heavily obligated(predicate) because of defense spending , the gap between the rich and sorry widened , and the country experienced dramatic deficits than at any administration . Reagan s New Federalism policy shifted fiscal responsibility to the states , counties and city governments , to the timidity of these local agencies as they were forced to raise taxes to supplement their income .
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His refusal to directly address problems regarding social welfare , the AIDS epidemic , and well-be take awayd rights issues contributed to the worsening of these social illsThe author s arguments , supported by meter and factual data , are convincing in that raze Reagan s critics would acknowledge the truth behind the same assessments of the Reagan years . The shabby War , for example , may have ended with or without Reagan in office . However , the article did not take into account the long-term positive benefits that some of his policies have had . For type , the New Federalism policy may have paved the steering for local governments to be initiative and less dependent on the federal budget . His conservative stance may have alleviated more problems associated with a very liberal bon ton Nevertheless , comparing the assessment of the article and whatever memories anyone who has lived finished the 80s still have , President Ronald Reagan will not be remembered as a great chairman who dramatically changed the landscape painting of America like Roosevelt did but he was a president who was loved by everyone , both Americans and foreigners alike...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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