Friday, January 25, 2013

American Popular Culture

Super battleres and engineering scienceCan we drop oneHeroes ready been around for millions of years . They exist in every kitchen-gardening , constantly leaving us stupid(p) after every account of heroic events . Whether mythical or not , heroes serve as our inspiration . They have pop off archetypes of goodness , strength , and intelligence as well as models for development and progress . heroic stories also provide paygrade of fond institutions such as the government , family religion , among othersHeroes in myths were usually aided by a divine entity in doing something noble such as winning a struggle (one versus thousands , mainly because technology wasn t so advanced yet that the hero will not be able to attack the enemies in any other way but face-to-face . As technology advances , the common human beings gained the basic powers of the ancient heroes . Technology had given us the means to do the things that were once unachievable for us to do : fly , go to the moon , blether to someone who s on the other side of the globe , among others--things that were precisely possible with the aid of divine intervention centuries before . but man should not stop from striving hard , so the acculturation , with the help of technology , created more(prenominal) powerful heroes for man to look up to . That is why the common man tries to bring out , in our era , the abilities of the Superheroes (which be far more transcendental than the abilities of the ancient heroes : invisibility , teleportation , lightning speed , and incomparable strength . It is technology , which has given the common man the ability to act uniform heroes , but it is the same entity that had given the superheroes more amazing superpowers--those that are impossible for us to attainTechnology advances to cater to obdurate needsTechnology , like superheroes , requires the expertness of man . It is through man s intelligence that technology has been fully utilized so as to cater to man s persistent physical and mental needs .
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We use technology to see longer and healthier , to do our daily tasks faster and with more efficiency , and to maximize time and to converge space . We have seen such utilization of technology through medical advancements , hi-tech gadgets , and the Internet . Aside from catering to physical needs tho , it cannot be denied that technology also takes recess in our friendly needs , which takes us to the discussion of popular cultureAccording to Berger (1970 , much of the concepts in our high culture is indeed influenced by the popular culture . One of the vessels for culture transfer is media--which relies on technology in terms of efficient dissemination of information . Technology takes part in spreading a culture and making it cognise to more people , thus making it popular public culture relies on technology . Some aspects of the popular culture include music , films , literature , clothing , etc . It is one of the social aspects affected by technologySuperheroes , as we all know , is a part of popular culture . Comic books and films sell millions of dollars , which proves the ecumenical popularity of superheroes . Technology directly...If you want to get a full essay, high society it on our website: Orderessay

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