Monday, January 28, 2013

American History Ii

Running Head : Industrial gyrationIndustrial gyration and Labor Relations[Author s Name][Institution Name]One of the adjacent effects of the Second Industrial Revolution on American repulse (as well as on labor in other nations experiencing a similar level of industrialization ) is that the carrying out of machine technology effectively rendered artisans and craftsmen obsolete in the sparing . This is not due to any inherent shortcomings of their skills , but quite a a devaluation of them in light of a preference of square output over qualityCowan (1997 ) observes that machine-operators could duplicate the daily output of artisans and craftsmen in spite of appearance mere hours . The mechanical engineer Frederick Taylor expanded on the principles of industrialization by deconstructing production down to a component regulate in to reduce output efficiencies . The result is that rather than manufacturing satisfying products , factories were designed around the concept of dividing labor among workers , earning smaller grade to manufacture goods piece by piece for assembly ulterior , effectively permitting greater gains in the efficiency of productionAngel (1999 ) contends that the resulting devaluation of skilled labor had huge social implications upon labor . Production employed women and nestlingren , as exemplified by Samuel Slater , the textile industrialist who favored employing children within his factories (Eckilson , 2003 ) A `deskilled industrial economy meant that laborers were more expendable than their predecessors , and Angel charges that this meant a move from a moral system , where industrialists fostered relationships with their employees to incur homage , to a system which valorized efficiency instead .
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As such(prenominal) , the relationship between factory owners and their employees was much more removed because the latter were far more replaceableThis fundamental change in labor relations necessitated the formation of labor organizations as a means to consolidate individual workers into a group that had ample economic and political leverage against their employers to protect their interests , without which current laws against child labor , workday restrictions and other forms of restriction against the terms of role that they were allowed to mandate would not exist REFERENCESCowan , R . S (1997 ) A Social History of American engine room . Oxford University Press : rude(a) YorkAngel , J (1999 , May ) The Machine Question Thoughts on Technology edited by Jen Angel Theo Witsell . Small Publishers Co-Op : Sarasota FloridaEckilson , E (2003 , July 19 ) Samuel Slater : Father of the American Industrial Revolution Woonsocket Connection . Retrieved August 27 2008 from : http /www .woonsocket .org /slaterhist .htmIndustrial Revolution PAGE MERGEFORMAT 1...If you want to get a full essay, identify it on our website: Orderessay

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