Monday, December 24, 2012

Public Administration

gate To Public AdministrationMGT111 INTRODUCTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The course on Public Administration/ steering has following objectives: Understand the fancy of human beings regime/ solicitude/organization Understand the developing of the concept of universal brass and its importance Understand the share of government Understand the role and core functions of public manager Understand the structure of government /organizations Create take careing roughly the skills required by the public manager in transport duties Understand the changing role of government and role of public managers. VU LESSON 01 Importance of Course: The course on public nerve/management is important as every citizen must understand the functioning of government. Besides, whether one works in private or public organization, or one is doing ones own business or whatever the profession, this course is useful as it helps understand organizations and their functioning. It to a fault helps us understand the environment in which we are working.
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Introduction: definitions, concepts & setting At the end of lecture the students should be adapted to understanding: The meaning of PA The practice of public administration (PA) Public administration as a subject of pick up Definition of Public administration Public administration, democracy and rights of citizens The importee The word administration has been derived from Latin words ad = to and ministiare = pay heed and Public =people or citizens Thus the word administration means to execute the policy of government to serve public. Management is also delineate as Cooperative human initiative to achieve given goals. Traditionally management is also defined as Management = POSDCORB which stands for Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordination, Reporting, Budgeting. In general administration and management are used interchangeably. Public Administration A public administration as a practice is as grizzly as the human... If you want to get a full essay, piece it on our website: Orderessay

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