Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Ludwig Van Beethoven

The rise of Ludwig van van Beethoven into the ranks of historys greatest composers was parallelled by and in some ways a consequence of his avow personal tragedy and despair. Beginning in the late 1790s, the change magnitude buzzing and humming in his ears sent Beethoven into a panic, searching for a cure from doctor to doctor. By October 1802 he had written the Heiligenstadt will confessing the certainty of his growing deafness, his consequent despair, and self-destructive considerations. Yet, despite the personal tragedy caused by the infirmity in the one sense which ought to be more perfect in [him] than in others, a sense which [he] once possessed in the highest perfection, a perfection such as few in [his] profession enjoy, it also served as a motivating persuasiveness in that it challenged him to try and conquer the fate that was handed him. He would not surrender to that jealous demon, my wretched health in the beginning proving to himself and the world the extent of his skill. Thus, faced with such great impend loss, Beethoven, keeping faith in his art and ability, states in his Heiligenstadt Testament a promise of his greatness yet to be proved in the development of his heroic style. By about 1800, Beethoven was mastering the Viennese High-Classic style.
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Although the style had been first perfected by Mozart, Beethoven did extend it to some degree. He had unprecedently composed sonatas for the violoncello which in combination with the piano opened the era of the Classic-Romantic cello sonata. In addition, his sonatas for violin and piano became the cornerstone of the sonata duo repertory. His experiment with additions to the standard forms likewise made it apparent that he had reached the limits of the high-Classic style. Having displayed the all-inclusive range of his piano writing he was also beginning to put to work a new voice for the violin. In 1800, Beethoven was to boot combining the sonata form with a full orchestra in his low Symphony, op. 2. In the arena of piano sonata,... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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