Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Paper Four (Researched) Leslie Marmon Silko, Ceremony English 200 16 July 2006 Ceremony is an splendiferous novel that was written by a mixed Indian woman by the name of Leslie Marmon Silko. Silko and the briny character Tayo hand over many things in common, neither of them where full-blooded Indians and grew up on the Laguna Pueblo Reservation in impudent Mexico. In this novel, Silko expresses many of the boundaries native Americans faced during World War II. One of the main boundaries was the fact that whites did non accept Native Americans as their equals. I believe Ceremony is a great Western manufacturing novel that tells a story of a man who suffers from post-traumatic stress, desertion, alcoholism, and acceptance. Tayo was in the U.S. legions during World War II. During his tour of duty, he was declare to many of his friends deaths including his cousin Rocky. The Japanese Army also captured him along with many of his fellow soldiers. As a result of these horrific events, Tayo suffered from Battle Fatigue.
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Battle Fatigue was a term used during World War II for soldiers who suffered from depression, unreasonable irritability, guilt (for having survived while others died), recurrent nightmares, and flashbacks (Medicinenet). In todays world battle fatigue is known as Post-traumatic stress. by and by Tayo was released from the Japanese prison camp, he was admitted into the Veterans Hospital. While at the infirmary there was very little that they could do to help him. at a time he was released from the hospital he returned home to his family in New Mexico. Tayo was still suffering from battle fatigue. He would often vomit, curtly cry, and would daydream about past events. His aunt and grandmother did not believe the hospital helped him with his sickness at all. They both hold to employ a medicine man to help Tayo condescension the possibility of rumors that may be spread around the village. Native American medicine men were believed to... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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