Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Apple History

The Company History section is no longer actively maintained, though it is accurate through 2004. For a much diminutive (and current) history of the company, can be found at Wikipedia Steven Wozniak and Steven Jobs had been friends in high school. They had two been interested in electronics, and both had been comprehend as outsiders. They kept in touch after graduation, and both ended up dropping out of school and get jobs working for companies in Silicon Valley. (Woz for Hewlett-Packard, Jobs for Atari) Wozniak had been dabbling in computer-design for some duration when, in 1976, he designed what would become the orchard apple tree I. Jobs, who had an nitty-gritty for the future, insisted that he and Wozniak try to sell the machine, and on April 1, 1976, orchard apple tree estimator was born. Hobbyists did not take the apple I very seriously, and Apple did not begin to take off until 1977, when the Apple II debuted at a local computer trade show. The introductory personal computer to come in a flexible case and include color graphics, the Apple II was an astounding machine. Orders for Apple machines were multiplied by some(prenominal)(prenominal) times after its introduction. And with the introduction in early 78 of the Apple Disk II, the nearly inexpensive, easy to use floppy drive ever (at the time), Apple sales further increased.
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With the increase in sales, however, came an increase in company size, and by 1980, when the Apple III was released, Apple had several thousand employees, and was beginning to sell computers abroad. Apple had taken on a number of more experienced mid-level managers and, more importantly, several new investors, who opted to take seats on the board of directors. Older, more conservative men, the new directors made sure that Apple became a real company, much to the dismay of many of its original employees. In 1981, things got a bit more difficult. A saturated market made it more difficult to sell computers, and in February. Apple was forced to lay off 40 employees. Wozniak was injured in... If you lack to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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