Monday, November 5, 2012

The Story of a Mother and Child

Carolean worries about her parole and the trouble he is getting into, and this is one of the prime rea intelligences she enlistments to her freshly boyfriend, Dwight, to get a father figure for her son. The mother marries the mechanic, save soon after she and toby jug disc everywhere that the man is another(prenominal) abusive alcoholic, suggesting that Caroline keeps making the same mistake over and over again, however unwittingly. The two try to maintain themselves in this unacceptable situation, and Toby at the same time has to acquire up filled with a dream similar to that of legion(predicate) facing such an abusive environment--he plans to escape the small townsfolk by any hold still fors possible.

This is a floor we drive heard all alike often in divergent forms, the story of a mother and child fleeing one impossible situation only to end up in another. The story is all the to a greater extent affecting given that it comes from a story and not a novel, indicating that this is a true story. To say it is a story we have heard too often is to modify our feelings toward the characters, not to say that the story is not well through with(p) or take not be told. We do need to be reminded again and again that there are many another(prenominal) abusive men ill-treating both their wives and their children. In the 1950s, such deportment was too-often winked at and not taken seriously, or was seen as a family matter which was not the business of society at large. Today, we inhabit

The depiction first establishes the warm up relationship that exists between mother and son, who often seem more comparable brother and sister because the mother is so adequate to(p) and free with her son as with other people. The son would like his parents to be together, and as is often the case, he may censure himself because they are apart. For all the independence the mother and son show, the son really would like to be with his father and to have a man in his life. Even though he loves his mother, he in any case acts out his frustrations in anti-social acts that harm her and worry her. Toby gets in trouble at school, hangs out with the wrong crowd, spends too much time on the street, and starts to smoke and drink along with the others.
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Caroline begins to see how much her son needs a man, a father figure, and so she tries to help by send Toby to live with Dwight for a time.

make better, but this does not mean we have solved the problem.

Toby suffers the most because he becomes an try out for the crazed Dwight, who wants to force the boy to become his idea of a good teenager. Toby has to follow a new counterbalance of rules and is subject to abuse if he fails. Toby's ducktail haircut gives way to a boy Scout-style crew cut. Dwight makes Toby perform dumb chores. He also steals the boy's money, insults his father, and destroys his selfesteem with verbal abuse. In many ways, though, the film overdoes the tyranny of Dwight, who often seems so out-of-control it is difficult to believe he could function in the world at all without attracting uncalled-for attention and judicial supervision. This contributes to the Hollywood ending in which Caroline and Toby escape from the monster and move on to better lives, which is not the usual course for families damaged by this lovable of violence and abuse. The final image of Dwight shows him with his arms upraised, screaming, "What about me? When is it my turn for some consideration?" The degree to which he is separated from globe is clear throughout
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