Friday, November 2, 2012

The Eurycea Salamander

water and sediment contaminants, substratum movement, and predation ar the three biggest threats to the Eurycea salamander. However, urban development appears to be related to their decline in urban theatre of operations habitats receivable to overdevelopment without insure for the regional ecosystem. Further, spinal deformities were discovered in Eurycea salamanders at Stillhouse Hollow associated with water toxicity (Jollyville 8).

While the natural humor does not pose a threat to the habitat of these species nor the Eurycea salamander, threats ascribable to human beings and development do exist. According to Mylroie and Toronvig (6), the Eurycea salamanders are " jeopardize by land development, utilities, transportation, and chemical spills?an industrial park is plan for development which will make it increasingly difficult to cherish the cave communities". Funding shortages pose one threat to the habitat, as placement of effective gates and proper management of the area are lacking. Because of these threats to the natural flora and fauna of the habitat, the Karst waters bring in recently named Jollyville Plateaus as one of the 10 most imperil ecosystems on earth (Not 1).

The urban center of Austin recently composed a report on the Jollyville Plateau habitat known as the Jollyville Plateau Water Quality and Salamander Assessment. In this report city officials seem to agree with the opinion of William Elliott above. This report makes it clear that so diminished is known about what is needed to protect the rare and threaten species in Jollyville Plateau that continuing to develop the area in front discovering what is needed would be dangerous. As the report notes in regard to the lack of information known about the Eurycea salamander:

Mylroie, J.
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and Tronvig, K. Karts water Institute Creates Top Ten List of Endangered Karst Ecosystems. Kart Waters Institute. KWI Conduit, 5(2), Fall 1997, 3-12.

Future research and studies need conducted to gain appreciation into the decline of the Eurycea salamander populations in Jollyville Plateau that appear to be associated with water toxicity and substrate movement making habitats instable. Further, twain of these threats appear to be the result of unconstrained development. Population size information would gain from some method of developing a safe marking technique where identification of individual Eurycea salamanders would be possible. Despite these and other needs, the results of this research clearly demonstrate that aspects of habitat, rag and watershed characteristics definitely influence species populations.

nts of limestone are found at heart Karst systems in addition to many sinkholes and springs. Because of this the rare species they contain are found nowhere else. The six cave
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